Poster about VODAN BR is chosen as best of the 16th RDA Plenary

In order to present to the scientific community the experience lived by the VODAN BR team in its project, the poster entitled “VODAN BRAZIL - The Brazilian experience at the Virus Outbreak Data Network” was submitted to the RDA 16th Plenary Meeting, in which it was accepted and chosen by popular vote as best poster.

RDA Plenaries Meetings are held every six months in different places around the world. The plenaries are exciting and productive events that bring together a unique community of data scientists, librarians, computer scientists, and domain scientists. Plenary meetings are special working events that really help move the community forward in creating tangible deliverables that improve data sharing across disciplines, technologies, and countries.

The poster graphically presents an overview of the VODAN International project, more specifically VODAN BR. After that, the processes that are being developed within the Brazilian VODAN are presented from a very detailed diagram. Finally, the various obstacles experienced by the VODAN BR team are highlighted.

To see the full poster, click here.

To see all other posters from the 16th GDR Plenary, click here.